About me

Hi! I'm Shelly - mother of 5 and wife to the best man in the world. We love to play games and watch movies together. I have a passion for crafting in all it's forms - sewing, scrapbooking, bow making, painting, mod podge, you name it and I'll try it. Hope you enjoy our family adventures and crafts!

How I Became Shared Jelly

When my husband and I first got married we used to get messages on our answering machine for "Shared" and "Jelly" instead of Jared and Shelly. The first time we chuckled a little over it and by the fourth or fifth time, we decided the name should stick somewhere. And so, I've been sharing jelly all over the internet since. Enjoy!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Clothes

It's getting a little cooler (or at least it was last week) and my baby girl is moving up to a new size so I got my sewing on and made her some leggings.
I made the black pair shorter like capri pants.  The nice thing about making them myself (other than saving a little $$) was that I could pick the color and length.  I also gave her a little extra length in her caboose so they stay up over her diaper better.

I used a pair of her pants to make a pattern. You can see my tutorial here to find out how I made them.

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