About me

Hi! I'm Shelly - mother of 5 and wife to the best man in the world. We love to play games and watch movies together. I have a passion for crafting in all it's forms - sewing, scrapbooking, bow making, painting, mod podge, you name it and I'll try it. Hope you enjoy our family adventures and crafts!

How I Became Shared Jelly

When my husband and I first got married we used to get messages on our answering machine for "Shared" and "Jelly" instead of Jared and Shelly. The first time we chuckled a little over it and by the fourth or fifth time, we decided the name should stick somewhere. And so, I've been sharing jelly all over the internet since. Enjoy!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picture Day

So I will be the first to admit that I'm cheap (or poor - however you want to look at it).   And. . . School pictures turn out so terrible.  Let's face it, the kids need several shots to get a half-way decent smile.  All things considered I hate buying school pictures.   The last couple of years I have started just buying the class picture for the kids so they can remember friends and teachers (which this year is still costing me $60 big ones).  I get them ready for picture day and take them out to the front yard to take pictures by our tree.  It makes a cool backdrop and I can get my own prints from Costco for much cheaper.   All in all, the result is better pictures for less money.  Win win.

1 comment:

The Special Reds said...

Did you know you can volunteer on picture day for free pictures, any package?